
Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Shroud of Turin (on Crayons)

The most difficult artwork
yours truly has ever made, to date.

10,000 crayons later,
A Shroud of Turin image
of Christ resembles.


Christ in (Rubik's) Cubes

Thirty six hours,
Three hundred sixty
Rubik's cubes later,

a pixelated Christ
image is born.


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Thumbs Up!

This art is inspired by the 'Buddy Jesus' figure.
Thumbs up and blinking Christ image.

Kinda light-mood artwork,
compared to the traditional Jesus artworks.

Made from acrylic paint,small toys
plus lots of glue .

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Jesus of Nazareth (on Push Pins)

After pinning 15,000 push pins
on four separate boards by hand,

my left index finger
was a sore (plus backaches)!

But, it was all worth it.


First blog entry ever!

1.5 months ago, i decided not to live three fourths of my life inside a cubicle.

although i enjoyed IT-related stuff especially administering emails,

It seemed like i dont want to do this every single day that i will live.